Page 97 - Ms Excel Note and Workbook
P. 97


               8  CREATING MORE COMPLEX


               Creating Complex Formulas

               In the example below, we'll demonstrate how Excel uses the order of operations to solve a more

               complex formula. Here, we want to calculate the cost of sales tax for a catering invoice. To do this,
               we'll write our formula as =(D3+D4+D5)*0.075 in cell D6. This formula will add the prices of our
               items, then multiply that value by the 7.5% tax rate (which is written as 0.075) to calculate the answer.

                                                                                             It's especially important to
                                                                                             follow the order of
                                                                                             operations when creating a

               Excel  follows  the  order  of  operations  and  first  adds  the  values  inside  the
               parentheses: (45.80+68.70+159.60)  =  274.10.  It  then  multiplies  that  value  by  the  tax
               rate: 274.10*0.075. The result will show that the sales tax is $20.56.

               In our example, if the parentheses are not included, the multiplication is calculated first and the result
               is incorrect. Parentheses are often the best way to define which calculations will be performed first
               in Excel.

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