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Syukur Alhamdulillah to Allah S.W.T for giving us the strength and courage to
complete this book. We would like to acknowledge of gratitude to the management
teams of Polytechnic Kota Bharu, especially to the Director of PKB, Sr. Haji Mohd Fikri
bin Ismail, Deputy Director (Academic), Ir Hj Zaidi bin Che Mod and Deputy Director
(Academic Support), Mr Saifuddin bin Semail for their support and cooperation.
Special Thanks to Madam Rozaimah binti Mustapa, the Head of Department JMSK,
Mathematics Head Course, Madam Nazihah binti Che Rozan and our colleagues who
always give us advice and ideas and also special thanks to all the Mathematics,
Science & Computer Staff for the supported.
Hopefully this book, can preferably utilized by all lecturer and students.